Help us provide new lifesaving parvo treatment to sick shelter puppies


Lotus the puppy is getting a second chance at life thanks to a groundbreaking treatment for the deadly parvovirus.

When Lotus arrived at The Animal Foundation, she showed severe symptoms: bloody diarrhea, a loss of appetite, and a lack of energy. She was thin and dehydrated.

A test confirmed the deadly and contagious parvovirus - or parvo - a devastating condition which has a 91% mortality rate when left untreated.

At just 23 lbs, her prognosis was grim - and without intervention - her chances of survival were slim.

But there is hope.

Lotus is receiving a first-of-its-kind USDA conditionally approved treatment for parvo. The Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody (CPMA) is a revolutionary therapy that targets and neutralizes the virus directly, drastically improving survival rates.

Unlike traditional methods that only manage symptoms, CPMA offers a real chance at recovery, often improving clinical signs in as little as 24 hours.


Lotus is one of the first dogs at The Animal Foundation to receive CPMA and is already showing signs of improvement.

Her energy is slowly returning, and she’s regaining her appetite - milestones that seemed impossible just days ago.

Before this new treatment, the only way to treat parvo was through extremely expensive around-the-clock care which managed the symptoms of the disease and may prevent the dog from dying but didn’t actually fight the virus itself.

CPMA on the other hand, is a dose of synthetic parvo antibodies that prevent the disease from ever affecting the dog’s cells. Each vial costs $220 dollars and depending on the dog’s size, some may require multiple vials; this cost is in addition to other supportive care therapies.

However, we urgently need your support to continue this lifesaving work. Without donations, we cannot continue to provide this treatment to more dogs like Lotus. Last year, we took in more than 100 dogs with parvo, which is an average of one case in the shelter every 3 days.

Please, consider donating today to help us order more CPMA and save more lives. Your contribution will make a direct impact on shelter dogs fighting for their lives against parvo. These dogs have no one else and are counting on us. Together, we can give them a fighting chance.

Donate now:

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The Animal Foundation at 655 N. Mojave Road in Las Vegas is conveniently located off US-95 and Eastern. The Animal Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. Tax ID: 88-0144253. Contact us by phone or email using the contact information found here.

Hours of Operation

Adoptions Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 7pm
Lost & Found Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 7pm
Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic By Appointment Only
Spay & Neuter Temporarily Closed

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