Found Dogs

Thank you for helping this dog. Most wandering dogs have families who love them. Shelters can be a stressful place for an animal, and they are often overcrowded. You can help us save space in our shelter for the animals who need us most by following the steps below before bringing this dog to the shelter.
What to Do if You've Found a Dog
Does the dog have a tag or other contact info?
There may be owner or veterinarian contact information on its collar.
Most dogs are found within a mile of their home.
Walk the dog around the neighborhood in which it is found and see if anyone recognizes it. If you have their phone numbers, text your neighbors and see if they recognize the dog. Knock on neighbor's doors to see if they recognize the dog. Again, most dogs are found close to where they belong.
Snap a few good photos of the dog.
Be sure the photos are clear and include the face and body. Make sure to leave the collar on and feature identifying marks. Don’t alter the appearance of the dog – this includes grooming.
Upload a photo of the dog’s face to the Petco Love Lost.
Petco Love Lost uses facial recognition to match lost and found pets. If an owner has posted a photo of their lost dog, Petco Love Lost will connect you.
Share a flyer on social media.
After you upload the dog's photos to Petco Love Lost, you'll be able to create a flyer for them. This flyer will include a QR code instead of your personal contact information, so your information will still be secure. Post this flyer to lost and found pet groups on Facebook, Nextdoor, and other social media.
Take the dog to an animal hospital or pet supply store.
Take the dog to an animal hospital or pet supply store to scan for a microchip. Even if there is no owner information, a microchip may have additional information that can help track the owner. Be sure to document the microchip number and manufacturer for further research, if needed.
Still unable to find the owner?
Call 702-955-5932 or email The Animal Foundation ( for further assistance. Let us know if the dog is sick or injured. You may be asked to make an appointment to bring the found dog to the shelter, which you can do at the button below.
Do you live in Henderson, Boulder City, or Nye County?
If you live in Henderson, Boulder City, or Nye County and find a lost pet, you will need to contact your local shelter for next steps.
For more information about found pets in Henderson, click here.
For more information about found pets in Boulder City, click here.
For more information about found pets in Nye County, click here.