Poorly Drawn Pets

What is Poorly Drawn Pets?
There’s an age-old saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Forget that saying, because when you buy art from this fundraiser, the creation you’ll be holding probably won’t be beautiful.
For $20, one of our volunteer “artists” will draw your pet. All proceeds will benefit shelter pets, and our artists will receive some much-needed practice.
We won’t lie to you, some of our artists are actually very talented. But for 90% of them, the last time their art was complimented was by their mother in the third grade (and even she struggled to speak the words “it’s lovely, honey”).
Will you receive a Louvre-worthy painting of your beloved Snugglemuffin, or will you open your email to a nightmare-inducing, well-intentioned scribble? We are only offering a limited amount of pet portraits, so get yours today!
Submissions for Poorly Drawn Pets are now closed. If you purchased a pet portrait, all art will be posted on this page by October 7!
After purchasing your Poorly Drawn Pet portrait, you'll receive an email with instructions about how to submit your pet's photo. You can only submit one pet per portrait. If you submit multiple, our artists will choose one to draw.
All completed pet portraits will be uploaded to this webpage as they are finished (no later than October 7), so check back soon for yours!