Lost/Found Search
Hi, my name is *SIREN
Meet Siren, the playful furball who knows how to spread joy wherever she goes! With boundless energy and a zest for life, Siren loves nothing more than jumping, running, and playing. Her tail never stops wagging, and her enthusiasm is contagious. Whether it’s chasing after a ball, frolicking in the yard, or simply enjoying the company of her pals, Siren is always ready for an adventure. If you need a little extra sunshine in your day, just look for Siren – she’s guaranteed to make you smile with her happy-go-lucky spirit!
My Special Considerations
*Siren is not adapting well to being in a kennel at the shelter and is displaying signs of kennel distress and anxiety. *Siren is currently in isolation for being sick, she is starting to become anxious in her kennel. She is panting, drooling and starting to lick the kennel bars. She is a very sweet girl who allows all handling, loves to go outside and is a playgroup candidate. She is very playful. This animal would benefit from a calmer environment and training to be able to cope with changing environments and separation.
Being treated for a respiratory infection. Will need medication and isolation from other dogs through at least 3/14
I was found at 2400 BLK ATLANTIC ST
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This information was refreshed 12 minutes ago and may not represent all of the animals at The Animal Foundation.