How to Prepare Your Pets for the 4th of July

More pets are lost during the week of 4th of July than any other time of the year. The Animal Foundation took in 594 lost and frightened animals last year from July 1st to July 10th. Of those, only 130 of those were returned to their owners.
Here are some ways to make the holiday safer for your pet.
Make sure your pet has identification
If your pet does become lost, a collar, tag, and microchip will identify you as the owner. This can lead to a much faster reunion.
Make sure the information on the tag and microchip is up to date. All too often, lost pets come to The Animal Foundation with microchips with outdated information. This prevents them from getting in touch with you.
Don’t have time to buy a tag or update the one you already have? Want extra identification in case your pet’s tags fall off? Use a Sharpie to write your contact number directly on your dog's collar.
Create a comfort zone
Provide your pet with a safe space at home. Create an escape-proof location and make it a calm environment. A crate is best, but a small area like the garage, a bathroom, or closet can also work as long as there aren’t a lot of windows or sliding glass doors. Shut the windows, lower the blinds, provide a comfy bed or protective box for them to relax in, give them toys to distract them, and turn on the radio or television to compete with outside sounds. Music works to drown out the sound of the fireworks, but so can industrial-type fans. Keep them indoors at all times. Invest in a calming collar or anti-anxiety jacket to ease restlessness.
Tire them out
Give your pets plenty of exercise before the fireworks begin. Walking your dog or having an extended play session with your cat can lower their general anxiety levels.
Do NOT bring your pet to fireworks displays
Pets belong inside the comfort of their home because fireworks can cause animals to have increased anxiety and a sense of extreme uncertainty. This could cause them to seek shelter away from the safety of their owners. Even if your pet is normally good around strangers, take into consideration the heightened level of stress they will be experiencing and do not bring them to a 4th of July party.
Do NOT set off fireworks around your pets
Using fireworks around animals not only runs the risk of potential injury but it also increases the likelihood of your pet running away in a desperate attempt to feel safe.
Ask your vet
For extra anxious dogs, you can visit your veterinarian to ask about anti-anxiety medication.