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Hi, my name is HUEY

I'm currently relaxing in foster care, and loving it!! Here's what my foster family has said about my time in foster care!

"He’s a shy little fellow indeed. He does like venturing out to hide and he has mostly found total ownership of spending his days inside of his little den purring loudly and screaming at the godawful hours of the night. He is quite content with Zelda and has had no issues with fights or scuffles.

He’s a little nervous when being approached (and very non graceful on his little paws) so he has bonked his head a good few times against a wall while escaping from his very terrifying food plate that is suddenly no longer a threat when it’s on the ground. A family friend who’s good with vet health checked on him and he’s all good! Very sturdy man indeed.

His hobbies include long naps and ripping the feathers out of toys. He has no problems eating wet and dry food now, and is in tip top shape besides his undeniable fatness! We are hoping to bring his weight down just a tad before he gets scooped up by his fur-ever home.

Overall, absolute unit. 10/10 animal. Love that mr man."

If you would like to learn more about me, or are interested in adopting me, please contact the foster team at! Please make sure to tell the foster team that you give permission for your contact information to be shared with the foster family!

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Directions to The Animal Foundation.

The Animal Foundation Logo

The Animal Foundation at 655 N. Mojave Road in Las Vegas is conveniently located off US-95 and Eastern. The Animal Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. Tax ID: 88-0144253. Contact us by phone or email using the contact information found here.

Hours of Operation

Adoptions Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 7pm
Lost & Found Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 7pm
Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic By Appointment Only

DCDF logo inverse small.pngThe Animal Foundation is a proud recipient of funding from Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation.

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